Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Notation Based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Osaka Museum of Science (hereinafter referred to as "the Museum"), managed by the Osaka City Museum Corporation, discloses the following information based on Article 11 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (Advertisements for Mail Order Sales).

Business Entity: Osaka City Museum Corporation

Representative: Director-General Seishi Manabe

Address: 1-32 Otemae 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka

Contact Information:
Osaka Museum of Science
TEL: 06-6444-5656
Business Hours: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed: Every Monday (open on public holidays and substitute holidays, closed the following weekday), year-end and New Year holidays, and maintenance days.
For more details, please check the official website of the Museum.

Sales Price

Listed on the official website of the Museum. All prices include taxes.

Other Necessary Fees

Standard communication fees apply for viewing the site, downloading content, and sending inquiries.

Payment Method and Timing

Credit card payment only. Payment is made immediately upon the establishment of the purchase contract (billing dates vary depending on your card company).

Delivery Method and Timing

After completing the purchase process, access the URL provided in the notification email to display the ticket with a QR code. Admission is granted by scanning the QR code at each entrance.
For special tickets, please refer to the official website of the Museum for more details.

Reissue and Loss

Tickets will not be reissued under any circumstances (e.g., loss, theft, damage).

Cancellation and Changes

Cancellations and changes are possible until 9:00 AM on the day of your visit. After the day of the visit, no cancellations or changes will be accepted regardless of the type of ticket or reason. Cooling-off periods do not apply to tickets handled by this service.

Refunds for Closure Due to Force Majeure

In the event of closure due to natural disasters or other force majeure, refunds will be made based on the decision of the Museum. Refunds are limited to the ticket price only. Please note that it may take 3 to 4 weeks for refunds to be processed.